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cover of the salt grows heavy by cassandra khaw cover of uprooted by naomi novik cover of the galaxy, and the ground within by becky chambers

My favorite books of all time!

In no particular order...

cover of gods of jade and shadow by silvia moreno-garcia cover of the ministry of time by kaliane bradley cover of network effect by martha wells cover of the unraveling by benjamin rosenbaum cover of translation state by ann leckie
Mere mortal and death god go road tripping through Mexico, slowly falling in love Graham Gore from the Franklin Expedition gets time travelled to the future and falls in love with his handler Murderbot, ART, and a whole bunch of humans face harrowing trials and become Friends Gender shenanigans, growing up, and revolutions. Wonderful worldbuilding! Trans allegories, growing up, and small but far-reaching politics. Weird body horror included!
cover of his majesty's dragon by naomi novik cover of the long way to a small, angry planet by becky chambers a dowry of blood by s.t. gibson cover of mexican gothic by silvia moreno-garcia
Napoleonic naval captain with the strongest morals known to man becomes best friends with a dragon. And they're still at war A whole bunch of people on a spaceship become very good friends Retelling of Dracula with beautiful prose and a focus on abuse Dracula's relationships Every gothic trope you can think of is in this

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